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April 2004

The then Missions Minister of CLG-Maryland, Ebby Anyamba invited leaders of the African Christian Fellowship (ACF) to educate the CLG members on their missions work in Africa. On viewing the ACF videos on the state of children orphaned by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda, the members were moved with compassion and wanted to help. That summer, six CLG members joined the ACF team to Uganda. On our return, our report had such an impact that over 70 members signed up to sponsor an orphan. In December 2004, Ebby returned to Fort Portal, Uganda to recruit the orphans to be sponsored. The CLG Child Sponsorship was subsequently launched on Sunday, February 13, 2005.


Summer 2005

It was found necessary to plant a CLG church in Fort Portal to cater for the spiritual needs of the children. Under the leadership of the CLG General Overseer, Rev. Dr. Stephen K. Gyermeh, the CLG church was launched in August 2005 and Pastor Paul Busobozi became the first pastor of the young church while Sister Temina Dalizu was the first director of the Child Sponsorship Program in Uganda. It was through her work on the ground that this program was finally established. On her return to the US the first local Team of leaders took over the management of the program.


June 13, 2008

Rescue Mission International (RMI) was incorporated in the US as a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization. The main purpose of RMI is to facilitate the orphan sponsorship program.

July 2011

Celebration with our first batch of graduates! During our summer mission trip to Uganda we were filled with joy as we celebrated with our first batch of graduates: some from universities and some from vocational schools. To God be the Glory!

November 2016

RMI purchased 5-acres of land in Fort Portal, Uganda to construct Living God Christian Academy (LGCA). 

February 2019

RMI commenced pre-construction activities, i.e. clearing of vegetation in preparation of construction activities.

September 2019

RMI began an official registered non-governmental organization (NGO) in Uganda.

January 2020

RMI conducted a blessing and ground breaking ceremony of the 5-acres land for the commencement of the construction of LGCA.

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